OS WebDesign Website Design and Consultancy London, UK

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6 Things I need before I can design your website

To start the design of your new business website I will need a little bit of information from you. Having this information ready ahead of time can make your project move along quicker and will ensure a smooth design and development process.

This is a list of information I will need before I can get started:

  1. Business name, address, email and phone number

  2. Logo - if you already have a logo, please send it as soon as possible. It should be in high-resolution and have a transparent background. Grainy or pixilated logos make your site look unprofessional and incomplete

  3. Website plan - planning your website is a fundamental component to start your website project. Click here for tips on how to plan your website

  4. Website structure - To avoid for your website to be a beautiful lonely place, you need to make sure you are creating an optimised and SEO friendly site structure. Click here for tips on how to create a good website structure

  5. Website requirements - purpose of your website, do you want to sell products, services or events online?

  6. Look and feel of your website - this is the fun part! What do you want the site to look like, i.e. colours, vision? Provide examples of websites you do and don't like

Depending on the type of business you run and the type of website you need, I will need additional information throughout the process. However, these points are a great guideline to follow for gathering all the basic information I need to to get a start with your new website. 

If you need any help with your site plan and structure, please contact me.